She is known for her roles in Spy Kids, Sin City, and Entourage. C'est l'adaptation du comic Watchmen d'Alan Moore et Dave Gibbons, édité par DC Comics. There, he heard a prince commenting that Sally is the most beautiful woman in Europe.In America, she entered into action as an adventure… Elle a été crée par Alan Moore et Dave Gibbson et apparaît dans « Watchmen ». She currently resides in a nursing home in California. She was said to have been an action heroine version of a pin-up girl and, even in her old age, she seemed proud of her sex symbol status, apparently enjoying male attention as indicated by her career as a dancer. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved.Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed.Sally Jupiter was played by Carla Gugino in the The Watchmen (2009) directed by Zack Snyder. She was born Sally Juspeczyk in 1920, a young runaway who worked as a waitress and burlesque dancer. Every day, the future looks a little bit darker. The first Silk Spectre was the frizzy-haired, redheaded former waitress and burlesque dancer Sally Jupiter (her real last name was Juspeczyk, which she changed to hide her Polish ancestry). She changed her surname to hide her Polish heritage.
However, she seems to have some serious self-esteem issues related to this quirk, considering that she felt responsible for the Comedian assaulting her and she was pleased to learn that a Tijuana bible that was based on her, despite her daughter's disapproval of it for being highly demeaning.Sally is noted to be one of the most beautiful women in the world. Le film se déroule dans une réalité alternative où les États-Unis et l'Union soviétique sont sur le point d'entrer en guerre et où un groupe de super-héros enquête sur une machination qui semble dirigée contre eux, mais cache en fait un plan plus global.
I'm 67 years old.
Watchmen : Les Gardiens, ou Les Gardiens au Québec, est un film américain de super-héros réalisé par Zack Snyder et sorti en 2009.
But the past... even the grimy parts of it... keep on getting brighter. Cette adaptation a été mise en chantier et ab… Once they were broke in Warsaw and Larry found a job for her at the Moritz. She met Laurence Schexnayder during her travels in Europe. Sally Jupiter né Sally Juspeczyk (c’est le nom de sa mère qui était polonaise) est la première Spectre Soyeux et était membre des Minutemens. Sally Jupiter was played by Carla Gugino in the The Watchmen (2009) directed by Zack Snyder. The character's portrayal is faithful to the graphic novel, though the only major departure is her costume, which became more streamlined.The Extraordinary Works of Alan MooreUntil you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved.You can search for any Comic Vine content. She became a sex symbol by whom criminals didn't mind being caught (or so went … Sally Jupiter Friends - Comic Vine A founding member of the Minutemen and mother to Laurel Jane Juspeczyk (Silk Spectre II).
Sally Jupiter.
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