corona borealis starseed

Waupee and the Star Maiden White Hawk The Star Maidens and the Corona Borealis: Shawnee legends about a man who married a star. Over the course of two years, I have done exactly that. The meditation below is for aligning the 10-10-10 flow, but can be used any time from here on:This marquise form could be seen reflected in the portal/stargate opening above and around the Moon, as it continued to shape more distinctly on October 3rd; here you can see the upper half of the portal clearly visible, across several dimensions. Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, webmaster, writer, and and Radio Host on In5d radio’s The Cosmic Awakening Show. Corona Borealis Constellation Map, by IAU and Sky&Telescope magazineAbell 2065 is a densely populated galaxy cluster in Corona Borealis. Ihr Gegenstück am Nachthimmel ist die Südliche Krone (Corona Australis). In classical mythology Corona Borealis generally represented the crown given by the god Dionysus to the Cretan princess Ariadneand set by him in the heavens. Difficulty: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ (Low Intermediate) In this video, I demonstrate how to fold an Origami Corona Boreale Star designed by Maria Sinayskaya. I’ll tell you a little known secret. If matutine setting, the constellation presages a propensity for pleasure that may even bring about disease, dishonor and imprisonment. ❤This Gateway, white above, golden below ~ ascension and resurrection ~ formed overhead on August 26, 2017.Through the 10-10-10 alignment, the highest Trinity Gateway of 2017, comes this divine giving from the Heart of Source, through many realms of pure Love, to all on Earth. Splinter Foot Girl: Arapaho Indian legend about a mythical girl and her family who escape to the sky and become stars. They shine as the memorial of deserted Ariadne.Glad someone noticed! It is one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy, and remains one of the 88 modern constellations. No, its not enough the famous song, Muy muy muy muy, Corona, by English punk band The Knack. Crux is a cross-shaped constellation visible in the southern hemisphere. I work mainly with Arcturians, Andromedans, Pleidians, Cassiopeians, Corona Borealis, Spica, Sirians including Vega and Sirius C. My home star is Mintaka, Orion. This shot above is a photo of the aurora borealis corona. Ariadne is a major theme in my life, rescuing people from their islands. The Diamond comes through the Vesica Piscis, as the Divine Feminine shield:This slideshow requires JavaScript.Spica (Alpha Virginis), brightest star in Virgo.After meditating and connecting with Immara and Ashtar, and the phoenix rebirth energies, the focus and reflection in the sky overhead could be seen as ‘white phoenix’ angelic forms in the clouds, neutralizing toxins and dissolving the blanket:Emerald green door appears left of Alpha Centauri & Southern Cross, Aug. 6, 2017.Namaste ~ the Imperishable Flame of Source within us honours the Imperishable Flame of Source within you and within all Life. Its astrological symbol is♋. ):In this vibration, we enter the Emerald Doorway of the Inner Heart, and align with the Golden Gate of resurrection that dwells in every atom and spiral of our DNA, ready to receive and encompass all that we Are.This year ‘has wings on’, and before April flies away completely, we’ll dedicate this post to the House of Meraia, the soul group which Ashura and I focus our light and energy from and through in this region of this galaxy.

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