Fever 1793 pages

By the end of thenovel she has essentially become self-reliant and responsible through her own initiative.Bravery in the Face of Fear and UncertaintyThe yellow fever is a very scary force: no one is safe from it, and it can take even thestrongest of persons. Grandfather couldn't be dead. (Page 18) He is discussed earlier though, but this is his first use of dialogue. Eliza: She is a free black who works as the cook at the family coffeehouse.

Mattie's family owns acoffeehouse in the city and she lives there with her motherand grandfather. Introduced: \"Rouse yourself this instant!\" (Page 1) Captain William Farnsworth Cook (Grandfather): He is an ex-military man who fought under the direction of General Washington.

Fever, 1793. Philadelphia, a very large city, becomes a graveyard because of theplague.

They will also need to research what measures the citizens should take if anyone is infected. Have students create a newspaper with articles detailing the events of the fever epidemic as well as the other historical events occurring at the time. I'm not a little girl. Below is a list of vocabulary terms (with pagenumbers) that might need explanation in order for students to fully understand the book.Because most of the difficult vocabulary is due to the usage of period language, most of thevocabulary terms fall under the category of Tier 3. He varied his cures.

President Washington and his cabinet continued to meet until he left the city on September 10 for his scheduled vacation, a period that included laying the cornerstone on September 18 of the new US Capitol to be built in the City of Washington, the designated capital.

But when the fever begins to quickly spread and hundreds ofpeople start to die, drastic measures are taken as Philadelphia residents flee into the countryand desert the city by the thousands. Students might be interested in howthey took care of sewage and other waste.Perhaps the most important background knowledge would be the yellow fever itself. Introduced: \"Over here, lass!\" Grandfather shouted from his corner seat. He is playful and kind, always finding ways to send Mattie flowers, even after the fever devastates the city of Philadelphia. At first, just a fewindividuals start getting sick. The bookmentions that Mattie's family does not live rightnext to the river, but that they can and do walkthere often to go to the market.3 Cudworth, Hovey, BYU, 2012Fever 1793 Concept AnalysisAnderson, Laurie Halse. video clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grbSQ6O6kbs Through the Air to Calais Trailer (Blanchard's Hot Air Balloon): http://www.youtube.com/embed/cGWpEAVXfeUMusic: \"Mystic Natural\" by Bob Marley: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqg90Qj2ApU \"Dare You to Move\" by Switchfoot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTl1MYaCSH8References http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/7e/Fever_1793.jpg http://www.bcps.org/offices/lis/models/Fever/images/colonial%20philadelphia.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7d/Benjamin_Rush_Painti ng_by_Peale.jpg/220px-Benjamin_Rush_Painting_by_Peale.jpg http://www.history-map.com/picture/002/pictures/Philidelphia-Map-of.jpg http://www.kevinandamanda.com/fonts/freescrapbookfonts/my-own-topher/ http://www.dafont.com/-skinny-jeans.font Cudworth, Hovey, BYU, 2012ThemesThe Levels of Self-Reliance: Survival and InitiativeThis is perhaps the major theme of the novel. Virtually every character has to learn how to copewith loss in some way or another, whether it’s through losing friends and family to theplague, or losing property and wealth due to looters, or with losing their routine asPhiladelphia becomes a shell of itself. Each chapter begins with a date heading (ex:August 16th, 1793) and a quote from a primary source document from the time period. Introduced: \"Good morning,\" Eliza said loudly, startling me. Hiding from death was not like hiding from Mother when shewanted me to scrub kettles, or ignoring Silas when he begged for food. "We know that six pounds was demanded by and paid to a white woman, for putting a corpse into a coffin; and forty dollars was demanded and paid to four white men, for bringing it down the stairs." New York: Simon & Schuster for Young Readers, 2000.Plot SummaryThis novel tells the story of a 14-year-old girl named Matilda(Mattie) Cook, living in Philadelphia at the outbreak of theyellow fever epidemic in 1793. The vast majority of them died of yellow fever, making the epidemic in the city of 50,000 people one of the most severe in United States history. Students will be required to research about slavery and the culture of free blacks living in Philadelphia. Students could write a letter pretending to be someone their own age, but living in Philadelphia in 1793.

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