why can we live on earth

Water is an excellent solvent, capable of dissolving many substances. "Plate tectonics is useful but probably not imperative," Kasting said. Without energy, virtually nothing would happen.Of course, alien life may not play by the rules we're used to on Earth.While the newfound planet may be Earth-sized, researchers say it is almost certainly barren.Still, countless organisms on Earth subsist on other sources of energy as well, such as the chemicals from deep water vents. Capturing the imaginations of scientists and sci-fi writers … Still, "life might originate very fast, so age is not that important," astrobiologist Jim Kasting at Pennsylvania State University told OurAmazingPlanet.Stay up to date on the coronavirus outbreak by signing up to our newsletter today. there is gravity and loads of nutrients. "First, you'd need some kind of liquid, any place where molecules can go react," Seager told OurAmazingPlanet. Earth, the 3rd planet from the Sun is the only planet in the Solar System that has oxygen and harbors Life as we know it. "We're pretty sure there's no chance of life on this planet," said MIT planetary scientist Sara Seager.

There are many reasons why this happens.

Too close, and the water would rapidlyCurrents in Earth’s molten If water instead sunk when frozen, this would allow another layer of water to freeze and sink, and eventually all the water would get frozen, making the chemical reactions behind life impossible.Here's what makes life able to thrive on our home planet (and likely for alien life to arise on other worlds):©Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor,New York,NY 10036.In addition, other solvents might host life. "People talk about plate tectonics as essential in recycling molecules life needs," Seager said. A: For us, Earth is the only planet that will support our life forms. For instance, carbon dioxide helps trap heat from the sun to keep Earth warm.

Earth is well equipped as a planet and ideally placed in our solar system and galaxy to support life as we know it. LessEarth contained enough radioactive elements to power ashielded early land species from lethal radiation.Earth is tilted with respect to the sun, and teeters as it spins.on its surface.  There may be no shortage of energy sources for life to live off.Earth remains the only known planet to host life, due to a unique combination of factors.

Plate tectonics helps ensure this rock gets dragged downward, where it melts, and this molten rock eventually releases this carbon dioxide gas back into the atmosphere through volcanoes. That is because we developed here, and so we were formed to need a certain amount of warmth (but not too hot! Its gravity doesn’t turn us into noodles. "Saturn's moon Titan has liquid methane and ethane." Earth is unique in the Solar System as being the only planet which is able to support life in all its forms: from basic living micro-organisms to highly sophisticated and intelligent human beings. The product of some 4.6 billion years of cosmic construction, our planet is flush with life thanks to a fortuitous set of conditions.from gravitational tugs, gamma-­ray bursts, or collapsing6 THINGS THAT MAKE LIFE ON EARTH POSSIBLEmassive, younger stars are often unstable and are prone torelatively few stars near the sun, reducing risks to Earthdon’t live long enough for planets to develop life.

Imagining other aspects of life on Kepler-452b requires much more speculation, since it's too far away to get a good look at. Also, other plants have weather conditions that would be impossible for humans to withstand. Why is Earth so special?There was a problem. The closest star system to our own made headlines on Tuesday (Oct. 16) with the announcement that it hosts a planet about the mass of Earth — a tantalizing discovery so close, astronomically speaking, to us.The most common contender brought up for this solvent is the one life uses on Earth: water. We can live on earth because there is breatheable air. However, continued monitoring of alien worlds might one day change that, by finding other planets that share these attributes or by discovering other ways that life has found to blossom in the universe.So what makes a world such as ours able to host life?

When viewed from space, most of the Earth’s surface can’t be seen because of the clouds formed from water vapor. Seager agreed, saying that "volcanism might very well provide enough fresh supplies of whatever life might need." receives enough energy to allow water to exist as a liquidEarth is well equipped as a planet and ideally placed in our solar system and galaxy to support life as we know it.

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