what is amnesty for immigrants

Amnesty is an offer to the undocumented migrants to regularize their status in the UK. Persons who entered the US illegally or persons whose immigration status has expired may qualify for immigration amnesty. The act’s core provision gave amnesty to those who could establish that they had resided illegally in the United States continuously for five years by granting them temporary resident status, which in 18 months was adjustable to permanent residency, which led to citizenship five years later.”“Most people — immigrants, advocates, and policy makers — refer to the measures adopted in 1986 as an ‘amnesty’… In the years since the passage of The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA), the word ‘amnesty’ has become a political hot potato — tossed around by proponents and opponents of the concept in order to label the other side.Immigrants and advocates who support amnesty are of two minds about the term ‘amnesty.’ Some say that ‘amnesty’ means extending LPR [legal permanent residency status] to undocumented immigrants… In addition, it is a term that immigrant communities understand, especially the Spanish-speaking community with the translation ‘amnistía.’ Within the immigrants’ rights community, others argue that, although they also support granting LPR status to undocumented immigrants, legislators in Congress are unwilling to even begin a conversation if the term ‘amnesty’ is used. Amnesty International, for example, has been using the term for years, but it does not cast political prisoners in a negative light. Opposing “amnesty” for immigrants lacking documentation has become a hobbyhorse for politicians like Tommy Tuberville, a Republican candidate in the U.S. Senate race in Alabama.

Proponents of the term ‘legalization’ argue that ‘amnesty’ implies ‘forgiveness’ for a ‘crime.’ Immigration, they believe, should not be seen as a crime. Matthew Spalding, PhD, Director of the B. Kenneth Simon Center for American Studies at The Heritage Foundation, in a June 25, 2007 Heritage Foundation essay entitled “Undeniably Amnesty: The Cornerstone of the Senate’s Immigration Proposal,” wrote:[Editor's Note: The APA citation style requires double spacing within entries. It is used in a loaded way to suggest that we are meant to be a law-abiding society, but we are not really playing by our own rules.”“Amnesty, from the same Greek root as ‘amnesia,’ forgives past crimes and removes them from the record for future purposes. And so, the debate continues.”[Editor’s Note: The MLA citation style requires double spacing within entries. Some are of the belief that blanket amnesty should be granted to all persons who are in the US illegally but who have committed no other crimes. ]Jacqueline Bhabha, JD, Executive Director of the Harvard University Committee on Human Rights Studies, in a June 17, 2007 National Public Radio “Weekend Edition Sunday” interview entitled “Immigration or Amnesty?,” stated [as transcribed by ProCon.org]: Immigration amnesty would include the federal government forgiving individuals for using false documentation such as social security numbers, identification cards, and driver’s licenses, in order to gain employment in the U.S. and continue to remain in the country. In the context of immigration, amnesty is commonly defined as granting legal status to a group of individuals unlawfully present in a country. Very occasionally, the U.S. Congress will authorize an “amnesty” for undocumented immigrants (also called illegal aliens)—that is, a pardon for unlawful status, and a path to lawful permanent residence (a green card).. Rakesh Prajapati discusses Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants.

Such an amnesty program was offered in the late 1980s, for example. However, immigration politics has made amnesty a loaded word. ]The American Friends Service Committee, a religious social justice advocacy group, in a report entitled “‘Legalization’ or ‘Amnesty’?

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what is amnesty for immigrants