valero venezuela connection

And ugly, too with a 5th grade level education. You’re a broken record, trying to prove a point that can not be proven. So go buy a piece.

As it stands I don’t think Debbie S. has provided any verifiable sources for her claims… despite multiple requests.
The article does not establish any connection between Valero and Citgo. As a result we will go without food until the 1st, only a day or two away, but this simply didn’t have to happen. Is your head so far up Bush’s butt that you can’t hear that you are WRONG?

If a factory in the U.S builds Japanese cars, do these cars then become American cars? I had also heard that Valero was a Venezuela owned / supplied station.

Nevertheless, the capacity of this refinery is about 80 million barrels of crude per year, which means more than half of its crude slate last year was sourced from Venezuela.Last week it was reported that the Trump Administration is considering significant sanctions that could impact oil imports from Venezuela. The threat of sanctions is in response to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's pledge to rewrite his country's constitution on July 30. that drove it up in google results. So this is more a perception issue than a serious risk to Valero's business -- although it could have a significant impact on specific Valero refineries.Refineries that processed Venezuelan crude oil in 2016. If anything, this is a positive development in the retraction of Citgo in the US market. Robert has 25 years of international engineering experience in the chemicals, oil and gas, and renewable energy industries, and holds several patents related to his work. Period, end of story. The company that delivers our fuel is an Ohio-based contract hauler. Also of note, Valero imported 33,034,000 total barrels of raw crude oil during that month. Citgo is owned now by Venezuela.

As one of the writers wrote “all stations buy some oil from Venezuela. I doubt their target audience will make it past the third paragraph, and at that point the association is pretty much cemented.We are Brick & Co Consultant and Broker firm base in uk, we have a direct genuine provider for BG/SBLC for lease.If you are interested you contact us through our direct email:[email protected] disclosure: I work for a company that manages a Valero station. Saudi gas or Venezuela gas? How about that? Watch Queue Queue Valero is the biggest buyer of Venezuelan oil, importing 207,800 bpd in November for its refineries in Texas and Louisiana. Citgo's Lake Charles, Louisiana, refinery imported nearly 45 million barrels of Venezuelan crude in 2016. However, this was the only Phillips 66 refinery to use Venezuelan crude.

However, Valero processes more crude oil globally than any other independent petroleum refiner. For goodness sakes people WAKE UP! Citgo has long been a subsidiary of PDVSA, the Venezuelan state oil company. It would import heavy crude oil from Venezuela, then refine it and distribute it throughout the United States. Reply.

The Phillips 66 Refinery in Sweeny, Texas imported just over 46 million barrels of Venezuelan crude last year, the most of any US refinery in 2016. Debbie, you are a disgrace to a system that has spent the last 200 years earning the trust of Americans. According to Valero's 2016 annual report, Venezuelan imports would only amount to about 6.5% of the crude Valero processed in 2016.

As for Valero, a competitor of Citgo, they replaced Citgo, as in outbid, shutout, out manuvered. Just because a company has refineries in this country does NOT make them an American company! I really wish I could find a list that shows the percentage of where companies obtain their oil.Need a company to buy your gasoline….? Our company is Ohio-based with the owner living a few miles from where I live. So you advocate boycotting Venezuelan gas so as not to support the nation community of Venezuela, with it’s democratic government, supporting it’s schools, hospitals, infrastructure…rather you choose to support the strict Islamic regime with their Royls Royces, indoor ski mountains and Al Queda…..Speaking of this, some updated numbers, taken from Department of Energy reports for October 2010 (numbers shown are for thousand barrels imported from Venezuela):I’m not attacking you, I just want to be able to cite more than one source when trying to convince my family and friends to boycott.I just don’t give a damn! Citgo is clearly in the worst position of any refiner, as it would need to source oil from elsewhere, and since Venezuela is strapped for cash it might simply have to ramp down operations.

You have no facts or anything, so you just keep copying & pasting the same stuff over & over again. It doesn’t take the US govt to sanction a country…you can do it yourself. Please tell me if there is better option.THE “ANTI IMPERIALIST” WRITER ABOVE IS A NITWIT.

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valero venezuela connection