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She was pictured attending protests in the capital, as were bandmates Jade Thirlwall and Jesy Nelson.Robinson was incensed enough by these actions to share a sweary and barely coherent video.Swipe sideways to view more posts!Tommy Robinson, fresh from being released on bail following an assault arrest, has taken aim at Little Mix for supporting the Black Lives Matter cause.Meanwhile, Robinson was released on bail on Saturday (June 6) after being arrested on suspicion of assault.Robinson, former leader of the anti-Islam English Defence League, uploaded an unhinged rant after a weekend of nationwide protests against racism.All four members of Little Mix have supported the Black Lives Matter movement in recent days.

In fact, Robinson’s recent posts on Parler clearly indicate that he is not remotely ‘racist.’ Robinson was incensed enough by these actions to share a sweary and barely coherent video. The Morning Star is unique, as a lone socialist voice in a sea of corporate media. With a regular donation to our monthly Fighting Fund, we can continue to thumb our noses at the fat cats and tell truth to power.“Many of the hooligans planning to attend the DFLA protest next week are spoiling for a fight, with some hoping to directly confront BLM activists and others hoping their presence simply increases tensions and provokes clashes between anti-racist campaigners and the police.”The Morning Star is a readers’ co-operative, which means you can become an owner of the paper too by buying shares in the society.Just £5 a month gives you the opportunity to win one of 17 prizes, from £25 to the £501 jackpot.The Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA), a network of hooligan groups, has called on supporters across the country to bus down to the capital this weekend and surround war memorials and statues.STUART BROAD secured his place among the pantheon of pace-bowling greats with a 500th Test wicket on Tuesday before a brilliant five-for from ChrisCampaign group Hope not Hate warned that it “seems certain” the DFLA event will go ahead after prominent racist Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (known as Tommy Robinson) pledged to attend in a video posted on Sunday night.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Some union branches have taken out shares of over £500 and individuals over £100.Although initially it distanced itself from far-right groups and nazism, it quickly adopted Islamophobic rhetoric and has attracted fascist supporters.The DFLA emerged in 2017 claiming to be a “non-violent” and “anti-extremist” group, and is largely made up of former and current football thugs.HUNDREDS of football hooligans and far-right activists are planning to confront Black Lives Matter protesters on Saturday in London, campaigners warned today.We're a reader-owned co-operative, which means you can become part of the paper too by buying shares in the People’s Press Printing Society.Shares are £1 each — though unlike capitalist firms, each shareholder has an equal say. BLM leadership do not represent all black people, they represent Marxist totalitarian aggression and anarchy. None played any party in graffitiing Churchill’s statue.During demonstrations in London – where police kettled peaceful protesters and charged horses at crowds — a statue of Winston Churchill was graffitied to read “Churchill was a racist”. Money from shares contributes directly to keep our paper thriving.Football Lads and Lasses Against Fascism (FLAF), a counter-group to the DFLA, said: “Some of the chatter coming out of far-right circles at the moment should make it very clear that we still have a serious problem with racism in this country.”A Hope not Hate statement warned: “While the group’s stated intention of protecting the war memorials might attract the sympathy of some, let us be in no doubt about its real objective — which is violence. This is a place for patriots, activists and people from all walks of life. HUNDREDS of football hooligans and far-right activists are planning to confront Black Lives Matter protesters on Saturday in London, campaigners warned today. American owned Facebook is a censorious social media platform that denies freedom of speech, freedom of thought.. You were there weren’t you? You got anything to say about what they done to Churchill’s statue? Reports indicate that other groups also intend to join the fray, such as ‘Veterans Against Terrorism’, and even biker groups like the ‘Hells Angels’. You think he’s a racist as well do you?Celebs you didn’t know have an LGBT sibling“What’s going on,” he screamed.Leigh-Anne, who is mixed race, moved many by sharing her own experiences of racism throughout her career, and having to work 10 times harder than her bandmates as the “Black girl”.

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