Even the beer is cheap, with a pint of imported or American craft brews capped at $5. Players don’t fly for marks in defence; they punch from behind instead. In posting these pictures as examples and relating the Tayla Harris photo to dance photography, my goal is not to try to convince everyone that crotch shots are okay. Harris, 21, told a press conference on Wednesday that she expected criticism of her playing performance, but that she needed to take a stand against the degrading and sexist comments … 2.
They’re cowards. Posted by 9 months ago. Tayla Harris's response to sexist comments on her image, "The Kick", is the boot up the backside trolls needed AFLW star Tayla Harris trolled over kick photo with social media backlash after it was taken down . Tayla Harris with fans after the Bulldogs game. 4,352 Likes, 21 Comments - Tayla Harris (@tayla_harris) on Instagram: “@alexsaundry : “you signed what without showing me? !” way to ruin our @crownmelbourne…” Removing the photo sent the wrong message.“That is what I would consider sexual abuse on social media.”“Many of the comments made on the post were reprehensible & we’ll work harder to ban trolls from our page.”In a reaction to 7AFL’s removing of the post, Harris proudly reposted the image, writing: “Here’s a pic of me at work… think about this before your derogatory comments, animals.”However, many sexist and abusive remarks also flooded the post and the next day it was removed with the short statement from Channel 7 explaining why.The latest headlines in your inbox twice a day Monday - Friday plus breaking news updates“But in saying that, what a fantastic response from the community to get behind Tayla.The footballer said she was “sexually abused” on social media and wants to take action against those who flooded the tweet with sexual comments.The broadcaster then faced backlash for removing the post as well as criticism over its handling of trolls posting comments.The federal government joined a chorus of condemnation of Wednesday, when minister for women Kelly O'Dwyer said she was "disgusted" by the trolling.The photo was taken by Michael Willson for AFL Media, during the first two minutes of the AFLW’s Pride Game between the Western Bulldogs and Carlton, when Harris scored the first goal of game.“There is a lot of trolls that get away with things that shouldn’t be allowed,” Phillips said.The tweet has been liked more than 44,000 times and retweeted by more than 6,000 people with #StandWithTayla and #GoTaylaGo tending on social media.Harris told RSN radio: “The comments I saw were sexual abuse, if you can call it that, because it was repulsive and it made me uncomfortable.7AFL captioned it with “Photo of the Year” on its social media page on Monday, attracting numerous comments and praise.Adelaide footballer Erin Phillips, considered the AFLW’s best player, was among many athletes who decried the abusive online responses. Answered. She said how she felt unsafe in her workplace, which is a terrible way to feel.It is an image that captures the skill, power and athleticism of football, not just women's football.What was heartening to see was the response and blow-back on the haters and the way Harris comported herself during the ensuing media storm.It was a similar reaction with "make me a sandwich" quips directed at teenager Jade Hameister after a talk she gave was met with derisive comments.The image of Tayla Harris has already become a defining one in Australian sport.You have probably seen it on the news or over social media where it has replaced many people's profile image. That AFLW player is 21-year-old Tayla Harris, who’s been named to the AFLW Women’s All-Australian team in each of the past two seasons.At first glance, you might think just deleting the picture and saving face was the best idea. "The comments I saw were sexual abuse, if you can call it that, because it was repulsive and it made me uncomfortable," Australian football star Tayla Harris said on Wednesday. What's the deal with Tayla Harris being targeted online and how is it related to transphobia? Not only was she honest, but in today’s image-driven sports media landscape, it was also wonderfully unexpected.It got better when Carlton coach Daniel Harford fired back on behalf of his player, labelling the idea of Harris being useless as “borderline garbage”.Let’s hope the AFLW clubs don’t up the ante on their media training programs and lessons on how to give nothing away, because while the professional world of sport may well be more serious than ever before, fundamentally, for it to be popular, it needs to be entertaining.Too often athletes are, well, boring, seldom telling us what they really think and loath to provide provocative opinions. All rights reserved.Harris later said she would not report the incidents to police, but hoped by speaking out that men would understand the consequences of their words.Not all of the remarks that contributed to the widespread outrage were about women’s genitals or sexually explicit, but alarmingly even many that were criticisms of playing abilities used gendered language or poked fun at a female’s sporting abilities.“You know, trolls on social media, you know, they’re nothing new these days, sadly, but I think what’s horrible is those trolls tend to target women and they tend to be the target for an inordinate share of the abuse that happens online.The comment read: “big stretch for a 20m shank”.A number of prominent players and AFL supporters celebrated Harris’s strength and remarkable athleticism.“I think they’re grubs. It should become part of the marketing for not just the women's game but footy in general. Archived.
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