perpetual change biology

Today, scientists routinely use fast microbial evolution to track disease theory and note differing adaptations, but in Charles Darwin’s time, he had direct evidence all around him that many species for the most part were related, and had only changed over vast periods of time.

21:59. It is the first critical insight Charles Darwin had, one that changed the world.All of these five things support the theory of evolution, but they also stand alone as individual theories, supported by differing bodies of evidence.All of this was deduced before the discovery of DNA, or the double helix blueprint that all organisms on earth share.From the warm and balmy days of the Jurassic to the frozen Pleistocene, fossil hunters were assured many different animals lived at different times.  Perpetual and dynamic change over time was Darwin’s brilliant insight. Define perpetual.


Mapping the human genome has been so successful that both genealogists and geneticists use DNA and its known mutation rate in the new science of Genetic Genealogy.  Genetic Genealogy traces our Family Tree and its several branches back to the most primordial members of our human ancestry.  Further, the mapping of our human genome has demonstrated unequivocally the extent of our relationship to the other primates as well as to other taxonomic groupings whose genomes we have elucidated so far.Darwin’s observations on Perpetual Change, in terms of what farmers and agriculturists have learned and known since time immemorial, are the subject of the first chapter of his book “On the Origin of Species”.  What Darwin and many millennia of farmers and breeders did not know was the precise mechanism of Perpetual Change at a subcellular biochemical level as we now do.Perpetual Change seems to occur at a constant rate; and this is much to be expected since mutations occur at a constant rate and the genetic card shuffling during crossing-over in meiosis produces a large random assortment of possible genetic combinations.  This constant gradual rate of change is known as Phyletic Gradualism and is one of the dominating forces in the overall evolution of species.Since mutations appear to occur throughout time at a constant rate, scientists use that knowledge to determine how long ago certain traits arose as well as when individuals with common traits split away from each other or from respectively lower branches on the evolutionary tree of life. Inbreeding and incest are generally taboo or at least “frowned upon” both by nature and by human societies because inbreeding reduces or opposes healthy variation and thereby potentially concentrates any negative genetic traits in the offspring.  Healthy ancestry gives rise to healthy progeny.This occasional shakeup of the status quo is known as Punctuated Equilibrium as originally proposed by scientists Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould as it “shakes up” the equilibrium of Phyletic Gradualism and it appears to have done so periodically and frequently throughout the history of the Earth. Both of these processes working together – Phyletic Gradualism and Punctuated Equilibrium – have lead to and constitute the Perpetual Changes proposed by Charles Darwin and that have occurred during the fascinating history of our planet and the evolution of life on Earth.“There is a grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the creator into a few forms or into one; and that whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning, endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved.”  (Charles Darwin, 1859, On the Origin of Species)In his final words on the final page of his book, “On the Origin of Species”, Charles R. Darwin gives credit to “the creator” for the origin of life and the subsequent evolution of all of life’s species.  Thus, all debates about whether or not Darwin had disclaimed a creator or espoused atheism are entirely moot; for here on the last page of his book, Darwin himself clearly credits “the creator” for the origination and perpetuation of life… whether WE believe it or not.  Further, Darwin thereby infers that his observations on Perpetual Change, Individual Variation, Natural Selection, and Species Evolution are all merely the means by which The Creator did it.Mutations may or may not enhance an individual’s chances for survival or a greater survival rate of its progeny in the next generation.  The selective processes nature and farmers choose which mutations survive via Natural Selection in nature or via Agricultural Selection on farms since in either case, only the naturally fittest individuals and groups, or those most-wanted by the farmer, survive to breed and reproduce. Further, without knowledge of genes, chromosomes, or DNA, Darwin and our agricultural ancestors had no knowledge of Mutations – another major source of Variation and Perpetual Change via spontaneous alterations in the genetic code. Periodically throughout the history of our planet, great catastrophic events as well as many minor ones have affected Perpetual Change by giving it a periodic shakeup.  The asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs quickly removed many genes from the biosphere and left great empty ecological niches to be filled in by newly evolving forms.

[PMC free article] Baker R, Thompson J. Fossil hunting was somewhat of a fad in Victorian times. The idea of Perpetual Change is followed by other concepts; those of common descent of all species, multiplication of all species, gradualism and, lastly, natural selection. By studying the subtle changes to be found even in modern day species, such as the finches he collected on his Galapagos travels, Darwin realized that changes could be very subtle, but meaningful, in the success and ultimate passing on of genetic traits.For noting all living things begin with one very basic pattern that then becomes so varied and widespread that individual species are formed, Darwin’s first recognition of perpetual change was the first idea from which a wellspring of understanding all life was to flow forth. The idea of Perpetual Change is followed by other concepts; those of common descent of all species, multiplication of all species, gradualism and, lastly, natural selection. More overtly, in artificial selection, as was practiced in Darwin’s day with cattle stock, pigeons and dog breeds, Darwin knew that introducing a new trait resulted in an observable hereditary alteration.  People were indeed selecting favorable traits by manipulating nature, and the reality of  evolution was apparent, even when no one knew quite what the implications actually are.The theory of evolution is the basis for understanding life on earth. Zoology: Definition.

Perpetual Change seems to occur at a constant rate; and this is much to be expected since mutations occur at a constant rate and the genetic card shuffling during crossing-over in meiosis produces a large random assortment of possible genetic combinations.

Experimental science: Definition.

Biology Perpetual Fertility: How an Obscure Sea Creature Makes Endless Eggs and Sperm Understanding hydractinia’s rare ability could provide insights into human reproductive disorders and perpetual response to tissue and intravascular cues. An important part of the theory is the first point.

Heraclitus Introduction The vascular endothelium serves as a barrier and entry point for nutrient, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and catabolic byproduct transport. Lasting forever; never-ending: conceived heaven as a state of perpetual … perpetual synonyms, perpetual pronunciation, perpetual translation, English dictionary definition of perpetual.  But science was amazed and baffled by the astounding amount of variation of form, adaptation of size, probable diet, and the mysterious total disappearance of so many organisms after many epochs passed.That they changed minutely, and very slowly, was observable in the fossil record. There is nothing permanent except change. Perpetual change in the form and diversity of animal life throughout its 600- to 700- million-year history is seen most directly in the fossil record.

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