loyola maryland jesuit values

Loyola seeks to encourage holistic growth outside the academic context by providing members of its community with a wide variety of resources and opportunities, and by encouraging them to appreciate the value and importance of well-integrated, restorative leisure. Loyola likewise encourages critical thinking and reflection by including the study of ethics in its curricula, and by offering seminars and employing pedagogies (such as debate) that foster both the expression and critical refinement of opinions. Those Jesuit ideals include an emphasis on academic excellence, the importance of the liberal arts, and cura personalis —the education of the whole person. Loyola hopes by all these means to continue shaping its graduates—as well as other members within its extended family—who can serve as leaders and exemplars in the University, in their communities, and in society at large.At Loyola, the pursuit of academic excellence includes promoting a love for learning, discovery, and integration across a wide range of disciplines and interests. The University also supports honesty and integrity by striving in various ways to foster respect for oneself and one’s own work, as well as respect for others and for their work and their basic human rights.

This includes promoting “awareness of and sensitivity toward differences of race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, and ability” as articulated in the University’s undergraduate and graduate catalogs. Loyola’s Jesuit tradition was complemented and enriched by the tradition of the Mercy Sisters when the University joined with Mount Saint Agnes College in 1971, and Loyola continues to remember and to recognize with gratitude the gifts which it received as a result of that joining.Loyola challenges itself and its constituents to strive for improvement on an ongoing basis by holding out an ideal of personal wholeness and integration as the ultimate horizon of growth, while simultaneously recognizing that development and growth require time and sustained effort. Loyola offers a variety of retreat opportunities, as well as ecumenical and interfaith opportunities for prayer and meditation, to foster growth of the spirit within its members. Loyola also seeks to foster a spirit of trust, hopefulness, collegiality, and dialogue by providing members of its community with structures that encourage open sharing of ideas and values, and which encourage collaboration within and across institutional divisions and constituencies.

This Ignatian worldview includes an openness and enthusiasm toward the whole of God’s richly diverse creation and for the human person as its crowning glory; hopefulness and pragmatism in seeking graced solutions to life’s challenges through creative use of all available gifts and resources, tempered by realism and compassion about the reality of human weakness; sustained critical attention to motivations and choices based on the conviction that individuals, through the exercise of their freedom, exert a real influence on their world and one another for good or for evil; and a commitment to a life of growing integrity and increasing service to God and others after the Gospel model of Jesus Christ.Loyola’s commitment to carry on the tradition of discernment includes encouraging the practice of regular reflection and self-examination which foster awareness of personal freedom (or lack thereof), a sense of personal responsibility for choices and actions, and a balance between enlightened self-interest and promotion of the common (“greater”) good. That ideal, first elucidated by St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus and namesake of our university, continues to guide Loyola as it strives to lead students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends forward to the promise of an examined life of intellectual, social, and spiritual discernment. Here again, Loyola embodies its Catholic heritage which encourages it “to promote dialogue between faith and reason, so that it can be seen more profoundly how faith and reason bear harmonious witness to the unity of all truth.” Lastly, Loyola seeks to instill a love for learning in its constituent members which will create in them lifelong habits of ongoing learning and growth. It strives in various ways to foster, recognize, and reward high standards of professionalism and excellence in learning, teaching, and scholarship.

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loyola maryland jesuit values