kodak ektachrome 100 photos

1 2 Next. Once a film had reached its optimal point it was put into cold storage to arrest further “deterioration”. I do still think the “professional” tag comes with different implications today, but t’d be great to find out if the “Professional” tag is a holdover from the days when it did refer to the aging process. My father introduced me to 35mm photography before I was a teen. I used the Nikon 35Ti and exposed at ISO 100. When I started shooting, in 1972 with an SLR, the second film I used after Plus-X was Kodachrome 25 and 64. Submit your photos. When the staff here at CP first heard whispers of an Ektachrome revival, we were happy, but skeptical. This is a film that excels under controlled lighting, or with a slower, more careful style of shooting. I do use warming filters when I think the light is too blue and this practice has given me excellent results.Strange indeed – I consider Provia to be the more neutral (and more malleable) film, and Ektachrome to provide more of its own character upfront.

Ektachrome E-100G and E-100GX are old stock, which was discontinued in (maybe) 2012? Now that I am retiring, there may be time to put aside my Fujifilm W3 Real 3D digital cameras that I have used for the past decade and dig out the Stereo Realists again.The new Ektachrome is a daylight-balanced color transparency film, like the old Ektachrome. When I traveled to Europe for three months, in 1976, I carried 25 rolls of Kodachrome 64-36exp. Over-exposing by one stop will create color shifts, and over-exposing by more will destroy highlights.

The film reps also confirmed that amateur films were expected to spend more time in ambient temperatures, aging along the way. Nor will it hesitate to throw your colors out of whack if incorrectly exposed by even small amounts.So with at least these two variables (not to mention the exact calibration of the camera with respect to exposure), I wouldn’t be surprised to have different people using different labs and different scanning possibly get different enough results to disagree on some aspects of a particular “film”, when in actuality you can’t evaluate a “film” in absence of at least the processing, and then either viewing or scanning, and all that’s before you get to any subjective judgement.I hope I didn’t give a false impression about ageing a film.
Languages. Notice the clouds are not blown out, and the shadows still have detail present. They’re sometimes distracting, yet that’s where the character comes from. It’s not a do-it-all film like Kodak Portra 400 or Fuji Pro 400H.

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kodak ektachrome 100 photos