josé martí biography

He also married Carmen Zayas Bazán. José Martí was born to poor Spanish immigrant parents in Havana, Cuba, on January 28, 1853. On January 31, 1895, Martí left New York City to make his way to Cuba, where he and his supporters arrived in on April 11 to began their fight. Martí was shot and killed by Spanish troops in Dos Ríos on May 19.By 1875, Martí had moved to Mexico, where he continued to campaign for Cuban independence. But he soon became disenchanted with the country's government and moved to Guatemala in 1877. Marti spent much of his life as a professor, often in exile. Because of his early death, Martí was unable to publish a vast collection of poetry; even so, his literary contributions have made him a renowned figure in literature, influencing many writers, and people in general, to aspire to follow in the footsteps of Martí.One further example of his legacy is that his name has been chosen for several institutions or NGOs from various countries, such as Romania, where a public school from Bucharest and the Romanian-Cuban Friendship Association from Targoviste are both named "Jose Marti". There Martí published the pamphlet Political Imprisonment in Cuba, describing the harsh treatment he had received in jail. Among his ideas for a new Cuban government, Martí sought to prevent any one class or group from taking total control of the country. He contributed to several newspapers there and became involved in Mexico City's artistic community. He also wanted to overthrow the existing leadership quickly, to prevent the United States from intervening in the matter. When he was four, his family moved from Cuba to Valencia, Spain, but two years later they returned to the island where the…

Martí was the elder brother to seven sisters: Leonor, Mariana, Maria de Carmen, Maria de Pilar, Rita Amelia, Antonia and Dolores. 'Subscribe to the Biography newsletter to receive stories about the people who shaped our world and the stories that shaped their lives.Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American Transcendentalist poet, philosopher and essayist during the 19th century.
José Martí Biography.

José Julián Martí Pérez (January 28, 1853 – May 19, 1895) was a Cuban patriot, freedom fighter and poet.Although he never lived to see Cuba free, he is considered the national hero. He is known as “the father of the Cuban fatherland” because he is credited with the creation of the Cuban Revolutionary Party and the organization of the 1895 War or “Necessary War”.

Martí became a professor at the Universidad Nacional, where he taught literature, history and philosophy.

'José Clemente Orozco was a painter who helped lead the revival of Mexican mural painting in the 1920s. He was baptized on February 12 in Santo Ángel Custodio church. One of his best-known essays is "Self-Reliance.”Argentine soldier, statesman, and national hero José de San Martín helped lead the revolutions against Spanish rule in Argentina, Chile and Peru.Fidel Castro orchestrated the Cuban Revolution and was the head of Cuba's government until 2008.When the Ten Years' War ended with a general amnesty in 1878, Martí and Carmen returned to Cuba, where they had a son, José, that November. Martí initially attempted to practice law, but the government would not allow it, and he was forced to find work as a teacher instead.
Traveling around the United States, Martí developed ties with other Cubans living in exile.Celia Cruz was a Cuban American singer, best known as one of the most popular salsa performers of all time, recording 23 gold albums.That same year, Martí's criticism of Spanish rule led to his arrest. Demonstrating natural artistic abilities from an early age, he originally pursued studies in painting before turning his energies to writing. He was initially sentenced to six years hard labor, but in 1871 he was released and deported to Spain. After his 1896 execution, he became an icon for the nationalist movement.In addition to writing, Martí worked as a diplomat for several Latin American nations, serving as a consul for Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina. From the age of 16, he was dedicated to the idea of a free Cuba and worked tirelessly to achieve that goal.

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