james best guitar

James Best passed away on April 6, 2015, at age 88, just 6 days after Cynthia Lennon, and within four months of seven television legends, also born in 1926, either aged 88 or 89: Robert H. Schuller, Roger Mayer, Stan Freberg, Verne Gagne, Betsy Palmer, Bud Yorkin and Elisabeth Elliot Gren. In 1954, he played the outlaw Dave Ridley, opposite Gloria Winters as the female bandit "Little Britches" in an episode of Stories of the Century.

Thier dad, Ike, was James Best's mother's brother. Earle Hagen was the music director for The Andy Griffith Show and he himself told TAGSRWC’s own Paul Mulik that the person playing was Barney Kessel so that’s good enough for me. James can’t play a guitar.

Nothing crap, promise.

In 1954, Best appeared twice on the syndicated Annie Oakley series, starring Gail Davis and Brad Johnson. James can’t play a guitar. Actor - Musician, James Best who played Jim Lindsey in two episodes, was also on Dukes Of Hazzard. Born Jewel Guy in Powderly, Kentucky, on July 26, 1926, he was orphaned at three and adopted by Armen and Essa Best, who re-named him James K. Best and raised him in Corydon, Indiana. James Best Date of Birth July 26, 1926 Date of Death April 6, 2015 Birth name Jules Guy Birthplace Powderly, Kentucky Cause of Death Complications from Pneumonia Role Jim Lindsey External Links: James Best on IMDB Site Contents[show] Profile James Best (July 26, 1926-April 6, 2015) appeared in two episodes of The Andy Griffith Show. He is best remembered for playing Sheriff Rosco … Best guest-starred more than 280 times in various television series.
Earle ought to know.Who was playing the guitar for Jim Lindsey, was it really James Best?Receive all latest updates and answers right into your inbox.

In 1955, he played Jim Blake on The Lone Ranger, Season 4, Episode 47, along with Clayton Moore & Jay Silverheels. James has stated at reunion events that he thought Herb Ellis was the one doing the actual playing of the guitar in those episodes but James wasn’t certain. James has stated at reunion events that he thought Herb Ellis was the one doing the actual playing of the guitar in those episodes but James wasn’t certain.

Following high school he worked briefly as a metalworker before joining the Army during World War II in July 1944.

He was a cousin to the Everly Brothers.

James Best, Actor: The Dukes of Hazzard.

He was cast in the religion anthology series Crossroads, in its 1956 episode "The White Carn…

A clean and minimal question and answer theme for WordPress and AnsPress. American character actor and teacher. Theme can be used to create a professional Q&A community.James did NOT play his own songs.

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