How to say prodigious in English? Learn how to say/pronounce prodigious in American English. Synonym Discussion of prodigious. Learn more. Claim top deals on English courses at Thanks for viewing the guide on how to pronounce "Prodigious". How to use prodigious in a sentence. You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily.
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How to say prodigious.
Trying to learn English? Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. You can also contribute at our website Leave a note about Prodigious in the comments. american voice, computer voice, female voice, free text reader, free text to speech, free voice, fromtexttospeech, mac speech to text, natural english, natural reader, natural reader online, natural voice, naturalreader text to speech, naturalreaders, online voice generator, pronunciation online, pronunciation tool, read aloud app, read it, read it online, read my paper to me, read my text, read online, read out, read out loud, read text aloud, read text out loud, read words out loud, realistic text to speech, say what i type, say words out loud, speech generator, speech reader, talk to text app, text reader, text reader app, text reading software, text to audio, text to speach, text to speech, text to speech app, text to speech daniel, text to speech demo, text to speech online, text to speech reader, text to speech robot, text to speech voices, text to voice, text to voice converter, text2speech, tts, tts reader, tts resource center, tts text to speech, tts voices, ttsreader, txt reader, type to speak, voice emulator, voice simulator, voice synthesizer, word document reader, word read aloud, word reader, word reader online, word to speech. Latin words for prodigious include ingens, mirificus, mirabilis, mirandus, inmanis, mirus, stupendus, prodigialis, prodigiosus and immanis. Record yourself saying 'prodigious' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.
Wie sagt man prodigious auf Englisch?
prodigious pronunciation - How to properly say prodigious. How to pronounce prodigious. Listen to the audio pronunciation in several English accents.
Did you know the answer to The correct way to pronounce prodigious is? Learn more.
Look up tutorials on Youtube on how to pronounce 'prodigious'.
Learn more. How to say prodigious. How do you pronounce prodigious in American English. prodigious pronunciation - How to properly say prodigious. prodigious pronunciation. Take HowToPronounce poll to answer. Listen to the audio pronunciation in the Cambridge English Dictionary. Listen to the audio pronunciation in several English accents. We don’t have a definition for “Prodigious”, can you give us a hand?!
Aussprache von prodigious 6 Audio-Aussprachen, 54 Synonyme, 2 Bedeutungen, 15 übersetzungen, 2 Sätze und mehr für prodigious. Prodigious definition is - causing amazement or wonder. Subscribe for more videos! Break 'prodigious' down into sounds: [PRUH] + [DIJ] + [UHS] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
Claim top deals on English courses at Thanks for viewing the guide on how to pronounce "Prodigious". Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Did you know the answer to The proper pronunciation of prodigious is? Take HowToPronounce poll to answer. Pronunciation of prodigious with 6 audio pronunciations, 54 synonyms, 2 meanings, 15 translations, 2 sentences and more for prodigious.
By typing or pasting a word or text in the text box, then clicking on the 'Speak' button, you are able to hear the correct pronunciation in American English (US).You can also choose a male voice or a female voice as well as the language: United States English, United Kingdom English or Australian English. prodigious pronunciation. How to say prodigious.
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