hacker, cracker phreaker

[…]– 6 or 9 substituted for G-Type in all caps SO IT APPEARS LIKE THE SPEAKER IS YELLING ALL THE TIME[…] are black, white, and grey hat hackers that visit these […][…] in the project is going to be hard.When most people in the computer security industry hear about a black hat hacker retiring there are usually cheers of joy. By creating tools and malicious software (viruses, worms) they act as a force-multiplier and create a greater problem than their numbers may indicate. )[…] has not been arrested at this time.Today’s arrest comes 5 weeks after another alleged LulzSec hacktivist, Ryan Cleary, was arrested in Essex.How many more arrests can LulzSec survive before their boat […]Hackers refer to the computer world’s outlaws as black hats. At one time, phreaks were enthusiastic about telephone networks and simply wanted to understand how they worked and explore them. They start to learn the fundamentals of networking better or they […]The term hacker hasn’t always been the negative title that it is today. Obviamente que antes que llegar a ser un cracker se debe ser un buen hacker. This is why, when you read an article of mine that talks about malicious security crackers, I use the term "malicious security cracker" -- and in an article that talks about hackers in the classic sense of the term, I try to differentiate clearly between these two uses of the term "hacker" before using it myself.The word "hacker" gets used in a pejorative sense by journalists an awful lot. A cracker doesn’t need to be particularly knowledgeable or skillful; in fact, most of them aren’t. Few crackers are skilled enough to create their own software tools, so most rely on automated programs that they download from disreputable Web sites.-Compulsive abbreviation: I got lotsa warez w/docs-Purposeful misspellings, such as tone (phone) and phreak (freak)Script kiddies have their own language.

While it’s better to have a gray hat finding holes in your network rather than a black hat, when you’re under attack you have no way of distinguishing between the two. […] In addition, in an attempt to thwart network security, a gray hat that means well may inadvertently cause damage. The name samurai hacker derives from the fierce loyalty and high ethics associated with Japan’s samurai warriors.You can find a more detailed description of the birth of hackers and hacking in Hackers, Heroes of the Computer Revolution by Steven Levy (Penguin USA, 2001).Please note the only thing changed on this server is your index page, which has been backed up.Many crackers use aliases online and hang out on Internet Relay Chat (IRC).

O phreaker é uma categoria à parte, podem ser hackers, crackers ou nenhum dos dois. If a machine gets hacked by a script kiddy, its usually because the administrator didn’t maintain the machine and apply patches for known vulnerabilities.The most common type of cracker goes by many names: script kiddies, packet monkeys, s’kiddiots, lamers, warez d00dz (dudes), and wannabes. […] in the day, a hacker would search out a company on the Internet and try to cause a little bit of mischief on said […]– 1 or | substituted for I or LA common pastime for script kiddies is Web page defacement. White hats may even create software aimed at thwarting tools available to crackers. He doesn’t know how to reload Microsoft Windows on his computer..Crackers use the suffixes Or and x0r to mark words as 133t, as in: DU0EZ?#!#   I am an 31337 hax0rLee's non-technical background allows him to write about internet security in a clear way that is understandable to both IT professionals and people just like you who need simple answers to your security questions.– ph substituted for F, as in phreakOn one site, he left the following message for the administrator:Occasionally you may hear the term samurai hacker or Ronin. O phreaker é uma categoria à parte, podem ser hackers, crackers ou nenhum dos dois. Some crackers have extensive training and advanced skills. […] problem with this though – because the firmware could be rewritten, that meant that a black hat hacker could change this information as […]– //or\/\ / substituted for WBlogging my journey from retail to the information security industry.White hats may be security professionals, hired by companies to audit network security or test software.

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