dynamodb starter alexa

Session attributes exist while the session is open. A request handler is the code responsible for taking action on one or more types of incoming requests.Port 5000 is the port where your Flask server is running on. AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. This tutorial shows you how to set up a local Flask Server with a local DynamoDB instance for persistent storage and connect a debugger.Once you’ve downloaded DynamoDB, navigate to the directory where you extracted DynamoDBLocal.jar, and type the following command:The underlined ngrok URL displayed in the prompt above is the public URL you will use for your web service. The recipes he adds will be stored in DynamoDB and associated with his userId so only he can view and delete these recipes.In our code, there are 2 ways to prompt the user for slot values using a dialog. They can also easily grant anyone with an Echo access to their unpublished skill by simply adding their email to the list of allowed testers. On the bottom left of the screen, click on the GetRecipeQuickOrLong slot. This will allow you to test your skill by running your backend on your local machine.4. This is where you configure your skill’s details such as its invocation name, utterances, slots, and point it at your Lambda function or your web service.Ok, that’s a lot of code…Let’s go over it.Next, create a slot called “RecipeLocation”. This public URL can change every time you run your ngrok server, so this an example URL. One important thing to note is that editing your code inline means that you will be forced to use the version of the Alexa SDK that is installed on Lambda and that is generally behind the latest version and may be lacking some major features. One is to delegate Alexa to prompt for it and indicate when it’s been filled by updating the dialogState of the request.

Once it loads, you’ll see something like this:Before we dive into code, let’s first go over what exactly a skill is and build an understanding of the terminology involved.Your final intent should look like this:This intent has an utterance of “Get a recipe” and RecipeName slot:Now click on the “Save Model” button up top and once that’s completed click on the “Build Model” button.

Once you start your server in Visual Studio Code, you can navigate to in your browser, where you should see the message “Hello, Flask!”Now that you have a public URL to connect to your skill backend, you can update the endpoint information.1. I have created a lambda function that attempts to make a connection with Dynamo DB through the Alexa Skills Kit for Node according to the documentation all you need to connect to the database is . I chose to go with the latter so I didn’t have to create all of the dialogs in the Skill Builder and I also felt it made my code a little bit more transparent and thus easier to follow.So now that we’ve discussed the code, it’s time to go over how to create a skill and have it run this code on your device.You should now be on the “Interaction Model” configuration screen. This allows us to prompt the user for slot values and we will use it to obtain the RecipeName slot’s value.Click on the button that reads “Launch Skill Builder”. It communicates with the Alexa voice service and follows a particular interaction pattern. Next, create your skill builder object by defining an instance of the SkillBuilder class.3. Skills can be submitted for publication and potentially earn developers money. In the dropdown menu, select the SSL certificate option “My development endpoint is a subdomain of a domain that has a certificate from a trusted certificate authority”.1. It also provides optional parameters for configuring the DynamoDB table options. So for that reason, set the RecipeName slot to be required and add a prompt of “What is the name of the recipe?” and an utterance the user will say to pass the slot.

You can also inspect HTTPS request and response details running over the ngrok tunnels by navigating to http://localhost:4040 in a web browser.Testing and debugging your Alexa skill with Lambda may not be a simple task if you are not using CloudWatch logs. You should get an output like this:8. AWS Documentation Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide. You can also use your favorite code editor to do step-by-step debugging and track down possible issues.Next, take the following steps:3. alexa.dynamoDBTableName = 'YourTableName'; // That's it! Then you can run your application. The utterance will just be “{RecipeName}”.

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