clayfield college war cry

1920 Mr P.M. Hamilton is appointed at Headmaster and introduces the distinctive BBC boater and House system.BBC wins the GPS Tennis Premiership. Business Owner, Get You Organised Clayfield It does not feel like a very long time since I left Clayfield. Foundation Day 2019 The Foundation Day Assembly saw the unveiling of the Heritage Trail and, as always, was a wonderful start to the year celebrating the history of our College. His appointment follows the retirement of Mr McDonald at the end of 2017, after more than 15 years of service.

Birtles begins as Headmaster with 515 students, including 200 boarders.BBC becomes the first school in Australia to win the Princess Elizabeth Cup at the Henley Royal Regatta in England.

You can register on the home page to this Blog. War Cry Banners The committee decided to donate two war cry …

BBC wins its 14th Head of the River.BBC wins their first GPS Football Premiership.The Middle School Precinct is officially opened and the BBC student population reaches 1,560.BBC awarded their first GPS Volleyball Premiership.BBC purchases its first computer, a Tandy TRS 800.BBC joins the Great Public Schools’ Association of Queensland (GPS) sports association as a founding member.BBC receives their first GPS Rugby Premiership.Graeme Wilson becomes the first Old Collegian to be awarded a Rhodes Scholarship.

The Junior School building is opened.The College opens its Prep Centre for boys. McDonald commences as Headmaster at BBC and the College celebrates 100 years.BBC awarded their first GPS Gymnastics Championship.First boarders are accepted at the College.BBC crowned Robotics World Super Team Champions at the Robocup Championships in Nagoya, Japan.

I must admit that my first year was quite the culture shock. ... BBC War Cry is composed after the College Rowing crew win the Head of the River. Click on the photo to leave a comment at the bottom of the display page. Established in 1902, the college has a non-selective enrolment policy and caters for approximately 1,600 students from Prep to 12, including 140 boarders from Years 5 to 12. Thomson is appointed as Headmaster with 671 students.

Hugh Dunn becomes the College’s third Rhodes Scholar. Most GPS interschool sports are suspended during the war.The College celebrates its 110th anniversary.Philp House is officially opened after being destroyed by fire in 1970.Mr G.E. Cujes is appointed with 1095 boys at the College. After 296 days of school together, the 2017 Ladies of Clayfield enjoyed their last College hymn, blessing and war cry, and departed with the encouraging words of Principal, Mrs Kathy Bishop: “Dare … The House system now consists of Birtles, Campbell, Cole, Flynn, Hamilton, Knox, McKenzie, Rudd, Wesley and Wheller.BBC receives their first GPS Tennis Premiership.The first son of an Old Collegian is enrolled at the College.A cadet corps was formed prior to the 1914-18 war.Michael Huggins is named as BBC’s fifth Rhodes Scholar.The College was founded by Mr Arthur (Barney) Rudd in 1902 and on the day it opened, four students arrived ready to commence their education. The Clayfield College community celebrated a wonderful year for the graduating class of Year 12 at their Farewell Assembly on Friday 17 November. BBC records their first GPS Sailing Championship.Our rich and proud traditions, the symbols of which are everywhere to be seen, such as the distinctive boater the boys wear, the pipes and drums which are heard at all significant occasions, our boarding, sporting and cultural history, all help to galvanise our inclusive community of students, Old Collegians, parents, staff and friends who contribute to the BBC story.BBC moves to the current Toowong campus with 193 students. Pipe Band performs at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo and World Pipe Band Championships in Scotland.Mr A.J.

She speaks about her family and school background, her career as a teacher at Clayfield College, war time, air raid drills, sport, uniforms, parent support, discipline, school pride, teachers and subjects, workload, boarding school staff, routine, entertainment, and extra classes.

Students are able to study university subjects whilst at school.The Rudd Wing opens with Junior and Senior science facilities.Mr Paul Brown is appointed as Headmaster to lead the College boldly into the future. Margaret Grimes was a Clayfield College teacher from 1940-1945.

A new boatshed at Breakfast Creek opens. It really feels like just a short time ago that I was arm in arm with other Year 12 students, singing the war-cry while Mrs Hauff egged us on. the College, each sharing a story about the College’s rich history. I attended Clayfield for my final three years of secondary schooling. BBC is … The McKenzie Wing for science and teaching is opened.Mr Hamilton is the only staff member to remain at BBC throughout WWII.

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clayfield college war cry