Wesley girl name

Wesley Girl's name meaning, origin, and popularity. I'd love to see some traditional girl names used on boys.None of that is a deal-breaker, if this is the name you absolutely love and that just feels right for your daughter. Of course, you could always use it as a middle name instead.

Personal experiences with the name Wesley. The name Wesley is a boy's name of English origin meaning "western meadow".. Wesley is one of a group of W-starting surname names reminiscent of the Old West that are making a comeback -- though it's not as well used as it was in the 1970s, when he ranked as high as Number 66.  When my mom was carrying me she found the name "Wesley" under the "Girls" category of a baby name book.

My husbands middle name is Wesley and we think that would be very cute for a girl! They are judging an idea of a name because their imagination is limited.  I forgive them, though.  It's what Wesleys do.Bellamy, Baylor, Bailey, Charlie, Dylan, Darcy, Everly, Elliot, Emmett, Emery, Emerson, Erin, Frances, Greer, Hayden, Hunter, Jordan, Kai, Kenna, Lux, Lark, Lauren, Mikah, Madigan, Parker, Quinn, Quincy, Ramsey, Riley, Ryan, Rory, Rowan, Ripley, River, Shane, Sasha, Shelby, Sawyer, Sidney, Spencer, Sparrow, Wylie, Wren, WaverlyI second the commenter who suggested using Wesley as her middle name. Wesley is a name with an Anglo-Norman etymology.The "wes" portion of the name refers to the Western cardinal direction, while the word "lea" refers to a field, pasture, or other clearing in a forest.

I always like boys names for girls (Gavyn, Ryan, etc) but is this going too far? If you had a boy next would you wish you could use Wesley for him? I don't personally like very masculine names for girls but I don't think Wesley is that masculine, I vastly prefer it to Gavyn-even with the i changed to a y I cannot see that as anything but a boys name. My mom liked Wesley, so here I am “Wesley Grace,” and I dig it.I know a family with three girls named Dylan, Owen, and Logan. I think, especially if she is not your only child, the "wish we'd had a boy" impression could be mitigated by your other children's names (especially if you have a boy named something like Cameron or named for you, or a girl with a traditionally feminine name).I agree about the ire from little boy Wesley parents.

Below are some other names that you may like. I think you should ignore all of the people who think it is 'a step too far' - though I got unusual looks and a few comments growing up, my name has helped to make me much more individual and as an adult is always commented on in a flattering way by people.

Wesley is a really great name for a boy and I could definitely picture a little girl Wesley. Source: BabyCenter user data. I identify with being a girl, but the type of girl I get to be has no rule book. I'm afraid the fact that it's Dad's middle name actually emphasizes the unspoken subtexts of boy-names-on-girls: "we wished for a boy"; "it's bad to be a girl"; "boys are better"....Well, there's Meadow Soprano....My husband and I have had a very hard time agreeing on baby names for girls (If I hear Aurora one more time!!).  It's spelled the normal way. It's unique but not weird.Well that makes sense. We'd probably call her "Wes".

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