Shane Crawford family

Olivia Anderson with her sons Ben, 8, Harry, 5, Charlie, 11 and Jack, 5. “I’m more serious. They work in the morning and evening.“That is a big adjustment and I think a lot of mums would struggle with that change. “We haven’t been together all that time, but we were both babies.But Anderson admits she was nervous, even scared by the prospect of having twins on top of two other kids and recalls having meltdowns when she took Jack and Harry home.Anderson says there have been a few hits and misses, but she always meets people first.“You don’t know everything. “Just the daily grind of logistics, boring things like washing, then going to the supermarket again and again. Here is Kenneth Shane Crawford’s obituary. Last but not least, Shane is the son of parents- Dianne and late Ray Crawford. That can be interesting.”“With the twins I enjoyed every stage, even the early days when I was up in the middle of the night I knew time passes so quickly and I knew I had to appreciate all the stages.”“In September it’s 20 years since we met. She recently invented a pillow called Twincredible, which enables the feeding of twins at the same time, which she says she couldn’t find anywhere when the twins were babies.“And that they haven’t got themselves together if they’re not walking down the street looking amazing and doing everything. We’re a bit of yin and a bit of yang.

I’m trying to make people feel normal and good about themselves, that’s the aim of it.“Sometimes everything goes well and sometimes everything turns to crap. “They need a lot of hands on deck and I try and help out as much as I can.”“They told us exactly what they spent that money on; you can see what they’ve bought with the money and imagine what impact that’s had and that’s appealing to me,” she said.SERIOUS TRIPLET DOESN'T FIND PEEKABOO FUNNY“I like to stick to one charity and do as much as I can for them as opposed to spreading the love thinly everywhere.”Minutes later, doctors were gathered around the ultrasound screen muttering in Russian and laughing, leaving the Stojcevkis utterly perplexed.“Bob’s chemo finished a couple of weeks after the girls were born and he’s almost been a year clear of cancer.“A social worker from the Caroline Chisholm Society contacted St Kilda Mums, who donated cots, a pram, car seats, clothes, blankets, change tables — whatever you can think of for babies, they gave it to us.“I don’t know how it would be without a triple pram — it would be hell.”“It’s hard enough being a new mum, I can’t imagine being in a physically or emotionally hard situation as well.”Ms Macpherson said the 500 prams would cost $75,000 to buy.“So much love goes into what they do and when they hand over those bundles of clothes, it’s like something you would give your best friend; it’s not tatty old hand-me-downs.”“I was getting checks every two weeks at first, then every week, then every two or three days,” she said.That’s when St Kilda Mums stepped in to help them deal with “the hardest time” in their lives.At 17, mum Ayse Stojcevski battled severe endometriosis and was told she may never have children.“I went to a different doctor ... and she congratulated us and said ‘you are pregnant, sorry about the mix-up, and it’s actually identical twins’.”“(Triple prams) are about $2000 new and $1000 second-hand and I cannot afford that; I wouldn’t have one still if (St Kilda Mums) hadn’t given one to me.“There were many things we couldn’t manage on our own; we were struggling financially and had limited stuff we could get from friends and family, but with their help it was one less thing we needed to stress about.Mrs Stojcevski got on a flight back to Melbourne where doctors confirmed the against-all-odds triplets.LOOKING at the bouncing Stojcevski triplets, it’s difficult to imagine the struggles their parents faced bringing them into the world.Next month the charity launches its Push for Prams campaign, which aims to help new mothers in desperate need.The couple spent their days going between appointments at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and the Royal Women’s.Years later, her chances of conceiving were further dashed when her husband, Bob, was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2015.“Through Flat Out Mum I often get given products like car seats and prams and they always end up at St Kilda Mums,” she said.“Every time I go I try and take about 10 mums through with me,” she said.“We don’t want hard rubbish prams, we want those people who have got that beautiful pram sitting in storage to donate it so we can help other mums. “I love chucking the boys in the car and we go looking for local parks we’ve never been to and just go with the wind.BEING parents to four young kids means help is required.“And when they want to run around and ride bikes I feel like I’ve got a couple of my mates with me.

Apart from his family of six, Shane also has two brothers named Andrew and Justin. I organise everything. He has two brothers, Andrew and Justin.

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