Meat wire scene from audition

The result is utterly beguiling, and one can even see similarities with Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness' in 'Audition's' portrayal of a man's complicit relationship with hell. What is fake–the whole thing?I’ve seen alot of disturbing films, I just can’t get enough of the ultra violent movies. As a child, I wept in the theater during “Dances with Wolves” when Two Socks was shot (That’s an embarrassing admission). This movie is based on a true story. Just the way it happened and how they looked after being beat with baseball bats was disturbing!‘Stoic’- Disgusting. im thinking ok, might be like texas chiansaw massacre where they showed footage of his house etc. Starting with Jeff Goldblum’s initial skin problems, each step in his transformation is more disgusting than the previous. I’m looking for a film with a “country bumpkins” rape scene in which 5 (or 6?) If you have seen the rape in The girl with the Dragon Tattoo you probably struggle to imagine anything more violent but it doesn’t even come close.Deliverance!!! so here are the few that shook me to my core.For a mainstream movie – The drowning scene in “The Abyss” is very unnerving. To top it off we’re then shown a close-up of the turtle corpse…twitching. Michael Nordine for some reason, things having to do with teeth breaking always makes me squirm.

No other movie ever made me sick to my stomach like that did. The most disturbing aspect of this film was the implication that this paedophile FINALLY felt empathy for the new victim he was grooming and stopped! Mind you, I haven’t seen Salo, and I believe, after reading this, that I never want to.In some ways, I do respect “Cannibal Holocaust.” I’m amazed it came to fruition (shooting in a jungle can’t be easy) and was in awe of the cheaply done special effects.

In this scene, a team of documentarians in the jungle yank a turtle out a river and decapitate it. When Dorothy realizes that her time is running out and she is looking at the sand in the hourglass falling from one chamber into another, her eyes become misty and she sniffles a bit. They’re not angry or crazy; they’re just getting some kicks. (Also, the ending sequence of \Requiem For A Dream\.

guys from a small town brutally rape a young girl in her house in the evening.

And whats makes it much worst is the fact that other human beings have recieved the same sadistic treatment and worst!

Nothing like a little ultra-violence to brighten your day, right?Based loosely on the life of Henry Lee Lucas, John McNaughton’s “Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer” stars Michael Rooker as a man so sick, he killed his own mother. But it has two girls who are picked up on their way home, one is stabbed to death and the other one survives. followed by a lady. Yesterday, I was ironically reading the ten most ultra-violent films and it correlates very well with your list. "It might sound exaggerated," she says of the injury, "but it was like accepting death." That line sounds pleasingly subservient to Aoyama, who earnestly praises her for her courage, but Asami's dark eyes and eerily placid smile hint at the fact that pain and death are experiences she wants others to share. Seven Words:and final Pan’s Labyrinth” when a man’s face is smashed in with a bottle.If you saw it and know what it is called perhaps you can share it with the people here so that they can add it to the worst scenes of it’s type on film.I think he’s talking about a movie called naked vengeanceWhat about the end of Casino when Pesci and his brother get beat to fuck, and buried alive. I wonder if I’ll get a bonusgame when I die =PI’ll submit a kind of odd one – “Happiness.” Nothing physical or gory going on it, but the scene of the father explaining in totally straight forward detail to his 10 year old son exactly how he molested and raped two of the son’s schoolmates makes me squirm every time.Wow.

With wireThis is a really great and diverse list – refreshing since most I’ve seen spew off about the likes of “Saw” and “Hostel” nonsense. While some people might “know” they don’t “feel”. There is nothing pioneering about it, just trying to get thrills out of people with unnecessary violence and gore, at the expense of taking an animals life and putting it through so much pain that you will never realize in your entire life. Stupid as well. moments later he realizes something is wrong and pulls down his pants to reveal a penis oozing pus and slowly becoming a bloody pus pile.A few scenes that always make me squirm:i have to say that i was happy to see american history x on the list.
Then they throw a couple vials of crack at her.In 1980 I went along to the local cinema in the UK to watch a movie called Dressed to Kill.

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Meat wire scene from audition