Jesuit order Black Pope

Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. We all have things to work upon.So is the King James Bible the authentic one or no?“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” – AristotleThey were behind the Viet Nam mess.It seems you’ve allowed yourself to be duped. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. Given the Phoenician/Venetian Canaanite lineage, this should not be a surprise. Wikipedia is notorious for editing information and spreading disinformation and propaganda.The Jesuit Order came out of the Dominicans, and became the Inquisitorious, destroyed the Templar Order and Emerged as the Society of Jesus built by the Farnesse Family around Ignatius of Loyola, who died along with the second Superior Jesuit General REALLY fast, and left Francois Bourgier in charge.“…Switzerland and the USA are the two freest nations on earth…”History is the tapestry of events of human activity that have led to the present.

Very sorry indeed, but the world is far more rotten then is expected by many.One odd thing is there was no letter J in Jesus time so how could his sons be named James , Jesus ?? They are also in control of most of the international corporations that are managed and financed by the Knights of Malta, through which they continue to build both the Russian and Chinese War Machines, while influencing American Presidents to close down scores of military installations across the country.Please give proofs of all statements especially those of the children of Maria Magdalena and Jesus.What you don’t understand is that the bible is the script of the Jesuits / Jews/ Khazars call them what you like the controllers, it’s not prophesy it’s a well thought out and planned script. Black Pope "Black Pope" is a designation given to the Superior General. ‘Black Pope’: There Is a Plan to ... Sosa, who comes from Venezuela and is friends with Francis, a fellow Jesuit, does not think the Pope will resign. Just as the Jesuits control Freemasonry and Islamic Shriner Freemasonry, they also conrol the Islamic Middle Eastern leaders and Islamic groups.Did you just take him at his word? They collected over 5000 manuscripts from all over the world at a time when there was no electricity, no planes, trains or automobiles. With a proper understanding of history in hand, one can better comprehend their place in the present, as well as positively, contribute to the guiding of civilization toward a benevolent end.The ruler of Islam’s Holy site Mecca and Saudi Arabia, meets with his master the white Pope who is controlled by the Jesuits. I suspect you’re not the critical-thinking, objective research type of person. Their society is by nature dictatorial, and therefore it is the most irreconcilable enemy of all constituted authority. …. You are already seeing a movement in churches promoting the ideology called Chrislam, which is the merging of compromised Christianity with Islam (Biblical based Christianity would never do this. The Pope gave Ignatius his stamp of approval, and allowed Ignatius Loyola to start up the Jesuit Order which would serve and eventually take over the Vatican. He was a member of the Jesuit community of Loyola House in Kamishakujii and had been ill for several years.

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